How Soon Can I Resume Physical Activities After Liposuction?

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For those who struggle with stubborn fat, the decision to undergo liposuction marks a huge step forward in their journey to attain the look they've always wanted. It also comes with a variety of questions, including how long you need to wait before you can get back to your routine with your newly contoured figure.

At Gynecology and Cosmetic Surgery Center of Atlanta, Dr. Gerry Sotomayor offers a number of surgical and nonsurgical body contouring options, including liposuction and the less invasive VASER® liposuction (or VASERlipo®). If you're considering liposuction and live in Peachtree Corners or the Greater Atlanta, GA area, we invite you to take a moment to learn more about what to expect during the recovery process.

How long does it take to recover from liposuction?

The recovery time after liposuction can vary based on several factors, including the extent of the surgery, the specific areas treated, and your overall health. Generally, patients can expect to return to work and other nonstrenuous activities within 1 – 3 weeks after the procedure. However, it's crucial to follow Dr. Sotomayor's advice. Traditional liposuction often has a slightly longer downtime compared to VASERlipo, which generally takes about 7 – 10 days to recover.

What should I avoid during my liposuction recovery?

During your liposuction recovery, it's essential to avoid any activities that could strain your body or disrupt the healing process. This includes heavy lifting, vigorous exercise, and any form of strenuous work for the first few weeks post-surgery. Smoking and drinking alcohol should also be avoided, as they can impair your body's ability to heal. Following Dr. Sotomayor's guidelines on wearing compression garments is crucial for supporting your body as it heals and helps to reduce swelling.

How soon can I resume physical activities after liposuction?

While the desire to jump back into your fitness routine is understandable, it's vital to allow your body enough time to heal properly. Typically, light walking is encouraged soon after surgery to promote circulation. More strenuous activities, however, should be gradually reintroduced based on Dr. Sotomayor's recommendations — usually around 4 – 6 weeks post-surgery. Dr. Sotomayor will provide a more detailed timeline after your procedure. Listening to your body is key; if something feels uncomfortable, give yourself more time.

How can I ensure a smoother recovery after liposuction?

Whether you're opting for traditional liposuction or VASERlipo, you should plan to take a bit of time off so you can care for yourself properly throughout your liposuction recovery period. Some tips to ensure a smoother recovery include:

  • Following Dr. Sotomayor's post-operative instructions for discomfort management, incision care, and follow-up visits
  • Staying hydrated and maintaining a diet rich in vitamins and minerals
  • Getting plenty of rest
  • Preparing your home for recovery, including arranging for support pillows and ensuring essentials are within easy reach
  • Wearing support garments as directed

Learn more about liposuction in Atlanta, GA

If you're considering liposuction and want to learn more about your options — including traditional liposuction and VASERlipo — Dr. Gerry Sotomayor and the team at Gynecology and Cosmetic Surgery Center of Atlanta are here to help. Located in Norcross, GA, and serving the Greater Atlanta area, our practice is dedicated to providing personalized care and support throughout your transformation. Contact our team today to learn how we can help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.